
Saturday 18 August 2012

'Cure' (A Strandville Zombie Novel Vol. 1) Showcase & Interview with author Belinda Frisch

Welcome to the Nixon Healing and Research Center, playground for the maniacal Dr. Howard Nixon whose cancer research has him dabbling in the undead. When he kidnaps the wrong test subject, Miranda Penton, a rescue team releases more than the captive women. It unleashes a lethal infection which turns its victims into mindless, flesh-hungry mob. Inseminated with a zombie fetus, Miranda wrestles with an uncertain fate while trying to get away with her life.

The virus is spreading and must be contained. The center is going into lock-down. The group's get away is threatened by a homicidal security guard and a raging storm. The town of Strandville is ground zero for the zombie apocalypse and Miranda must escape because the fate of humanity lies with her unborn child.

We recently asked Belinda a few questions about 'Cure' and got to know the lady behind the horror novel, check out our interview:-

Belinda Frisch - Author of 'Cure'
What inspired you to write ‘Cure’?
My biggest inspiration was a lifelong interest in medicine. Cure combines the zombie horror element with a bit of medical science fiction. I had a blast writing it.

Prior to being a published author we see you worked in the medical profession, what or who inspired you to take the leap into writing?
I’ll credit Anne Rice with motivating me to write when I was a teenager. She was the first author to write characters that I couldn’t get enough of. I read every book she put out, for years, and then started writing my own. I’ve always been a reader and writer, but the leap to author came when I was no longer a single mom.

What made you take the swerve from the normal take on zombies?
I love reading books and watching movies with a new twist. I hope I’m not alone in this. Honestly, I’m not a huge zombie fiction fan. The state of being a zombie worked very well with the medical angle of my story and so, when I wrote Cure, I didn’t know how far I was veering from the beaten path. My readers have really pointed this out to me. I wrote the story asking to be written.

Is Dr Howard Nixon and Miranda Penton from the novel based on anyone you know?
Not directly, no. Every character I write has pieces of people I know in them. It’s how I keep them straight in my head. Most are amalgams of several people with a fictional twist. Once I get to know the character’s basic stories, I create larger than life personalities for them.

Without giving us any spoilers! Can you tell us how the story will develop in the upcoming sequel ‘Afterbirth’?
Funny you ask that. I work from a loose outline and see where the story takes me. I’ve found that Afterbirth has been a surprise so far, in that the characters aren’t who I imagined they’d be. Afterbirth is set 7 months after Cure when the outbreak of the zombie virus has gone global and when both Miranda and Carlene are nearing full-term in their pregnancies. Nixon is hiding out, but hasn’t given up hope that he can synthesize a cure. Miranda’s infant is the real key to this novel. Of course, as per usual, there are worse fates than undeath lurking in post-apocalyptic Strandville. Reid, the serial killing madman, has revenge on his mind and he’s not alone.

Would you like to see ‘The Strandville Zombie Novels’ made into a film/TV Series, and who would you choose if you could to play the parts?
Oh boy, would I! I don’t know too many authors who wouldn’t like to see a real life re-enactment of their story. I picture Ellen Page as Miranda, though I think she’d really have to bulk up, muscle tone-wise, for the part. I haven’t really cast the other roles although I think Jason Statham could do a rocking rendition of Reid. I’m also on a Taylor Kitsch high after watching Savages, so he might be a good choice for Zach.

Who is your favourite author?
Currently, I don’t have a favourite author as much as I have favourite books. I’m reading Inside the Outside by indie author Martin Lastrapes and enjoying it immensely. Joe Schreiber, Dennis Lehane, Charlie Huston, and Gregg Hurwitz are probably my top traditionally published faves.

If the Zombie apocalypse happened tomorrow what would your plan be to survive?!
Well, my husband is an engineer and a “fix it” or “invent it” type. I would count on him to handle energy and the essentials. We know a “prepper” or two, so I’d go to them for their arsenals and sustainable growth gardens. My contribution would be nurse to the sick and injured.

You’re stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you take with you?
Fire, food, and clean water.

Finally, do you have any advice for any aspiring authors out there?
Keep writing and hone your craft. Every writer and every story needs an editor and you can’t be too proud to take criticism. This is a business that breaks people financially and emotionally because it’s personal work. Strive to do your best.

Thanks again Belinda for your time, we’re really looking forward to reading the rest of the series!!

You can purchase 'Cure' from Amazon, available in paperback and as an Ebook:-

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